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Implemented by: UI framework Vike extension vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid (or yourself).

The <ClientOnly> wrapper enables you to render and load a component only on the client-side.

Alternatively, you can set ssr: false to render and load the entire page only on the client-side.

Common use cases:

  • Library components that don't support SSR. A solution is to render and load the component only on the client-side.

    Most component libraries nowadays support SSR but some don't. Some even crash when they're merely loaded on the server-side (for example if the library has a hard reference to browser-only APIs/objects such as window).

  • Performance. <ClientOnly> allows you to defer loading heavy components, such as a complex interactive map. That way, your users can already interact with your page before even the browser starts loading that heavy component.

    Vite code-splits dynamic imports such as const { SomeComponent } = await import('./SomeComponent'). In other words, the code of <SomeComponent /> isn't included in the initial JavaScript client bundle: it's loaded only when/if import() is called.


The <ClientOnly> wrapper is deprecated, use the clientOnly() helper instead.


import { ClientOnly } from 'vike-react/ClientOnly'
function MapWrapper({ someProp }) {
  return (
      load={() => import('./MyComponent.jsx')}
      /* Or:
      load={async () => (await import('some-library')).SomeComponent}
      fallback={<Loading />}
      // Re-render if someProp changes
      {(MyComponent) => <MyComponent someProp={someProp} />}


  • load: The function that imports the component.
  • children: The function that renders the component.
  • fallback: The element that is displayed while the component is being loaded.
  • deps (optional): An array of dependencies that, when changed, triggers a re-render of the component. The deps prop of <ClientOnly> is passed as-is to the dependencies parameter of React's useEffect() hook.


The <ClientOnly> wrapper is deprecated, use the clientOnly() helper instead.


import { ClientOnly } from 'vike-solid/ClientOnly'
function MyComponent(props) {
  return (
      load={() => import('./MyComponent.jsx')}
      /* Or:
      load={async () => (await import('some-library')).SomeComponent}
      fallback={<Loading />}
      {(MyComponent) => <MyComponent {...props} />}


  • load: The function that imports the component.
  • children: The function that renders the component.
  • fallback: The element that is displayed while the component is being loaded.


The <ClientOnly> wrapper is deprecated, use the clientOnly() helper instead.


  <ClientOnly :load="() => import('./MyComponent.vue')">
  <!-- Or:
  <ClientOnly :load="() => (await import('some-library')).SomeComponent">
    <template #fallback>Loading...</template>
<script setup>
import ClientOnly from 'vike-vue/ClientOnly'


  • fallback: The component that is displayed while the dynamic component is being loaded.


All props are passed to the loaded component (except load). Type inference doesn't work as of now, see vike-vue#67.

  • load: The function that imports the component.

Without vike-{react,vue,solid}

If you don't use a UI framework Vike extension vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid, you can implement the <ClientOnly> wrapper yourself.

See, for example, the source code at:

See also