Cloudflare Workers
You can use Vike with Cloudflare Workers.
For a much improved DX, instead of directly using Cloudflare Workers, we recommend using Deploy > Cloudflare Pages > Full-stack.
- React: /examples/cloudflare-workers-react/
- React + SSR Streaming: /examples/cloudflare-workers-react-full/
- Vue: /examples/cloudflare-workers-vue/
Cloudflare Workers requires our entire worker code to be bundled into a single file.
Cloudflare uses the term "worker code" to denote server code that is run on its edge infrastructure.
We recommend using Wrangler v2 (the v2 uses esbuild under the hood).
We can also use vite-plugin-cloudflare which enables us to simply use $ vite build
and $ vite dev
to build and develop our worker code (including HMR support!).
Example: GitHub > Aslemammad/vite-plugin-cloudflare
> examples/vite-plugin-ssr/
vite-plugin-ssr was the previous name of Vike.
Extend 1MB limit
The bundle size of our worker should not exceed 1MB, but we can request sizes of up to 100MB and beyond:
Cloudflare Pages
We can also use Cloudflare Pages to deploy our Vike app.
To deploy our SSR worker, we use a Cloudflare Pages Function.
vite-plugin-ssr was the previous name of Vike.
See also:
For a significantly faster development experience, we recommend, whenever possible, using Vite's development server instead of wrangler (or an Express.js server).
This means:
- We skip
/ Cloudflare Workers altogether while developing our app. - We use
wrangler dev
to preview our worker. - We use
wrangler publish
to deploy our worker to Cloudflare Workers.
See the setup of the examples.
Universal fetch()
When using Node.js for development and Cloudflare Workers for production, we may need a fetch()
function that works in both environments.
But libraries such as node-fetch
or cross-fetch
usually don't work with Cloudflare Workers.
What we can do is to define a fetch function at pageContext.fetch
that works in all environments.
The trick is to add a different fetch()
implementation to pageContextInit
at renderPage(pageContextInit)
Example: /examples/cloudflare-workers-react-full#universal-fetch.