Error Handling


Server-side errors are exposed over pageContext.errorWhileRendering at renderPage():

// server.js
import { renderPage } from 'vike/server'
// Any server: Express.js, Cloudflare Worker, AWS Lambda Function, Fastify, Hono, Nitro, ...
  method: 'GET',
  route: '*', // catch-all
  async handler(request) {
    const pageContext = await renderPage({ urlOriginal: request.url })
    if (pageContext.errorWhileRendering) {
      /* Vike already calls console.error() so the following line isn't needed.
      // If you use an error tracker (e.g. Sentry):
      // If you use a server middleware that handles errors:
      if (!pageContext.httpResponse) {
        // Don't throw if there is a pageContext.httpResponse, otherwise
        // the error page won't be rendered.
        throw pageContext.errorWhileRendering
    // pageContext.httpResponse is missing if:
    //  - There is an error and you didn't define an error page.
    //  - Your error page has a bug and, therefore, couldn't be rendered.
    if (!pageContext.httpResponse) return null
    // The HTTP response of the page. This can be the error page.
    return pageContext.httpResponse

Vike calls console.error(err) for any error it encounters. With the upcoming new hook onLog() (#1439) you'll have control over Vike's logging.

See also API > Error page.

You can use any error tracker, such as Sentry, Bugsnag, Rollbar, or your own custom error tracking. For that, make sure to use the error tracker's server-side interceptor. For example with Sentry:

import * as Sentry from "@sentry/node";
// ...
    if (pageContext.errorWhileRendering) {
// ...


Use +client.js in order to make sure that your error handling code is initialized before any other code executes.

// /pages/+client.js
// The first lines of JavaScript executed on the website.
window.addEventListener('error', (err) => {
   console.error('An error occured:', err)


Vike prettifies transpilation errors, such as errors thrown by esbuild and Babel.

While Vike is careful about not removing relevant information, it may mistakenly do so. In that case create a new GitHub issue. Until a Vike maintainer fixes the issue you can use the debug flag DEBUG=vike:error.

# Show verbose original errors, with infinite stack trace (`Error.stackTraceLimit = Infinity`)
DEBUG=vike:error npm run dev

For even more information:

# Usually only used by Vike maintainers
DEBUG=vike:error,vike:log npm run dev

See also