
Environment: client.

The navigate('/some/url') function enables you to programmatically switch pages without requiring the user to click a link.

For example, to redirect the user after a successful form submission:

import { navigate } from 'vike/client/router'
function Form() {
   return (
     <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
       {/* ... */}
async function onSubmit() {
  const navigationPromise = navigate('/form/success')
  console.log("The URL changed but the new page hasn't rendered yet.")
  await navigationPromise
  console.log('The new page has finished rendering.')

If you want to redirect the user while rendering a page then use throw redirect() instead. For example, when redirecting a non-authenticated user to a login page. See Abort > throw redirect() VS throw render() VS navigate().

If you want to programmatically navigate back then use window.history.back().


  • navigate('/some-url', { keepScrollPosition: true }): Don't scroll to the top of the page, preserve the scroll position instead. See also <a href="/some-url" keep-scroll-position />.
  • navigate('/some-url', { overwriteLastHistoryEntry: true }): Don't create a new entry in the browser's history, instead let the new URL replace the current URL. This effectively removes the current URL from the browser history.


If you want to change the URL completely independently of Vike then use history.pushState() instead of navigate().

You can then implement your navigation handling by listening to the popstate event.

You need to handle the popstate event, otherwise you'll break the browser's back- and forward history button.
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {
  // Vike sets triggeredBy to 'vike' | 'browser' | 'user'
  const { triggeredBy } = window.history.state
  /* Same as:
  const { triggeredBy } = event.state
  // Navigation triggered by Vike or the browser
  if (triggeredBy === 'vike' || triggeredBy === 'browser') {
    // Abort: let Vike handle the navigation
  // Navigation triggered by your history.pushState() call
  if (triggeredBy === 'user') {
    // Implement your navigation handling here

Without vike-{react,vue,solid}

If you don't use a UI framework Vike extension vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid and if you use Server Routing then use window.location.href = '/some/url' instead of navigate() (because navigate() requires Client Routing).

The UI framework Vike extensions vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid use Client Routing.

See also