Flexible, lean, community-driven, dependable, fast Vite-based frontend framework.
🔧 Control
Use any UI framework (React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, ...) and any tool you want (any frontend library, web technology, deploy environment, Vite plugin, ...).
With Vike, you integrate tools manually and keep architectural control.
📦 Zero-config
Vike gives you control only where it matters.
Everything else just works without the need to configure anything.
💫 Simple
With Vike you integrate tools manually; while it means more work, it gives you a fundamentally simpler & more stable foundation to build upon.
The clean cut between Vike and your UI framework (React/Vue/...) makes reasoning about your app easier.
Filesystem Routing, Data fetching, Pre-rendering, Layouts, HMR, i18n, Link Prefetching, HTML Streaming.
Client Routing (fast page navigation) or Server Routing (simple architecture).
All render modes: SSR, SPA, MPA, SSG, HTML-only. Each page can use a different mode.
Pre-render your app and deploy it to any static host (Netlify, GitHub Pages, Cloudflare Pages, ...).
Fits Cloudflare Workers's small worker size requirement like a glove.
💎 Rock-solid
The source code of Vike has no known bugs, every release is assailed against a heavy suite of automated tests, and it's used in production by many companies.
🚀 Scalable
DX that scales to hundreds of kLOCs with HMR & development startup that stays fast. Powered by Vite .
Architectural flexibility that scales from small hobby projects to large-scale enterprise projects.
⚡ Fast
State-of-the-art performance with Code Splitting, Client-side Routing, Link Prefetching, and Fast Production Cold Starts.
Lighthouse Score: 100%.
💖 Fun
Vike is simple, clear, and robust: no magic, no unexpected behavior, no conflation, no bugs (known in Vike's source code).
With Vike, you are under control which is addictively fun.
Build Your Own Framework
Use Vike to Build Your Own Framework. Hundreds of lines of code are enough to build your own Next.js / Nuxt.
Build internal company frameworks to scale your teams, or enhance your product with a bespoke framework to delight your users, or just keep architectural control.
❤ Craftsmanship
Crafted with attention to details and care for simplicity.
Upstream contributions to Vite and others.
GitHub and Discord conversations are welcome.
⚗ Cutting Edge
We regularly participate in RFCs and we are usually among the first to support the latest techniques.