
The injectFilter() hook allows you to control which and where preload and asset tags are injected in the HTML.

See Guides > Preloading.



injectFilter() is called only in production: it has no effect in development. (Because, in development, the dependency graph is lazily discovered and therefore not fully known upon rendering HTML.)

injectFilter() is a beta feature. (Which means breaking changes may occur during any minor version update.)
// /renderer/+onRenderHtml.ts
export { onRenderHtml }
import type { InjectFilterEntry } from 'vike/types'
async function onRenderHtml(pageContext) {
  // ...
  const documentHtml = escapeInject`<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="page-view">${stream}</div>
  const injectFilter = (assets: InjectFilterEntry[]): void => {
    assets.forEach(asset => {
      if (
        // We don't touch entry assets (recommended)
        asset.isEntry ||
        // We don't touch JavaScript preloading (recommended)
        asset.assetType === 'script'
      ) {
      // Preload images
      if (asset.assetType === 'image') {
        asset.inject = 'HTML_BEGIN'
      // Don't preload fonts
      if (asset.assetType === 'font') {
        asset.inject = false
      // Preload videos
      if (asset.mediaType?.startsWith('video')) {
        asset.inject = 'HTML_END'
  return { documentHtml, injectFilter }
type InjectFilterEntry = {
  inject: false | 'HTML_BEGIN' | 'HTML_END' // Whether and where to inject
  src: string // Asset's URL
  assetType: "image" | "script" | "font" | "style" | "audio" | "video" | "document" | "fetch" | "track" | "worker" | "embed" | "object" | null
  mediaType: string // MIME type
  isEntry: boolean // true  ⇒ <script> or <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
                   // false ⇒ preload tag, e.g. <link rel="preload" as="font">

See also