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<head> tags

You can define meta tags inside <head> by using following settings.

You can set these settings dynamically:

See API > Settings > HTML for other HTML settings (most notably bodyAttributes, htmlAttributes, lang).

These settings are provided by vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid. If you don't use vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid then see <head> tags without vike-{react,vue,solid}.

You can create your own custom settings.


You can set defaults (that pages can override).

// pages/+config.js
import image from './previewImage.jpg'
export default {
  // Default <title>
  title: 'Awesome Rockets',
  // Default <meta name="description">
  description: 'We deliver payload to space',
  // Default <meta property="og:image">


You can set values for one page or a group of pages (potentially overriding defaults).

// pages/starship/+config.js
export default {
  title: 'Rocket: Starship',
  description: 'The Starship is the largest rocket ever built.'

See: API > Config Files > Inheritance

Head setting

For other <head> tags, you can use the Head setting:

// pages/+Head.jsx or
// pages/+Head.vue
import favicon from './favicon.svg'
// Applies to all pages (cannot be overridden)
export function Head() {
  // All pages share the same favicon
  return <>
    <link rel="icon" href={favicon} type="image/svg+xml">

Unlike title/description/image, the Head setting is cumulative which means that pages/+Head.js cannot be overridden, see API > Head > Cumulative.


You can set <head> tags based on fetched data:

// pages/rocket/starship/+data.js
export async function data() {
  const data = await sql.run(
    'SELECT { title, description } FROM rockets WHERE name = "starship";'
  return data
// pages/rocket/starship/+title.ts
import type { PageContext } from 'vike/types'
import type { Data } from './+data'
// Overrides the default <title>
export default (pageContext: PageContext<Data>) => pageContext.data.title

You can define the logic once and apply it to all pages:

// pages/+title.js
// Applies to all pages: if a page fetches data and data.title is defined then
// use it to set the page's title.
export default (pageContext) => pageContext.data?.title || 'Some Default Title'

You can use:

The settings description and image can also access the pageContext like this.

Custom settings

You can create your own custom settings.

You can also create custom components hooks, see for example vike-metadata.

For example, in the following, we create a new setting +dynamicFavicon that allows different favicons to be set for different pages. (Using +Head only works for setting a global favicon, see API > Head > Only HTML.)

Setting creation

// pages/+config.js
export default {
  meta: {
    dynamicFavicon: {
      env: { server: true, client: true }

See: API > meta

// pages/+Head.jsx
import { usePageContext } from 'vike-react/usePageContext' // or vike-vue / vike-solid
export default () => {
  const pageContext = usePageContext()
  const { dynamicFavicon } = pageContext.config
  return <>
    { dynamicFavicon && <link rel="icon" href={dynamicFavicon}> }
// pages/+onAfterRenderClient.js
export default (pageContext) => {
  if (!pageContext.isHydration) {
    const { dynamicFavicon } = pageContext.config
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/260857/changing-website-favicon-dynamically
function updateFavicon(dynamicFavicon) {
  let link = document.querySelector("link[rel~='icon']")
  if (!dynamicFavicon) {
    if (link) document.head.removeChild(link)
  if (!link) {
    link = document.createElement('link')
    link.rel = 'icon'
  link.href = dynamicFavicon

For TypeScript users:

// pages/+config.js
declare global {
  namespace Vike {
    interface Config {
      dynamicFavicon?: string

See: API > meta > Typescript

Setting usage

// pages/+config.js
import favicon from './favicon.svg'
export {
  // Default favicon
  dynamicFavicon: favicon
// pages/premium-members/+config.js
import favicon from './favicon.svg'
export {
  // Favicon for /premium-members
  dynamicFavicon: favicon


Example of internationalizing (i18n) <head> tags:

// pages/+Head.js
// Environment: server
export { Head }
import { usePageContext } from 'vike-react/usePageContext' // or 'vike-vue' / 'vike-solid'
function Head() {
  const pageContext = usePageContext()
  const description = pageContext.locale === 'de-DE' ?
    'Wir liefern zum Weltall.' :
    'We deliver payload to space.'
  return <>
    <meta name="description" content={description}>
// pages/+title.js
// Environment: server, client
export function title(pageContext) {
  const title = pageContext.locale === 'de-DE' ?
    'AwesomeRockets | Das Weltall Unternehmen' :
    'AwesomeRockets | The space company'
  return title

See also:


See Integration > Markdown > Metadata.

See also