
Overview of how to define the route of your pages.

Filesystem Routing

Vike supports Filesystem Routing: the URL of a page is determined by where the page is located on your filesystem.

FILESYSTEM                     URL
====================           ======
pages/index/+Page.js           /
pages/about/+Page.js           /about
pages/jobs/+Page.js            /jobs

The directories pages/, index/ and src/ are ignored.

Parameterized routes

You can define parameterized routes:

FILESYSTEM                     URL
========================       =======================
pages/movie/@id/+Page.js       /movie/1, /movie/2, ...

The parameter id is available at


You can organize your pages into groups:

FILESYSTEM                             URL
================================       ==================
pages/(marketing)/index/+Page.js       /
pages/(marketing)/about/+Page.js       /about
pages/admin-panel/index/+Page.js       /admin-panel
pages/admin-panel/users/+Page.js       /admin-panel/users

The directory (marketing) is ignored because it's wrapped by parentheses.

Beyond improved organization, it allows you to apply different configurations to different pages:

# Define a layout for all marketing pages
# Define a layout for all admin pages

See API > Config > Inheritance.

You can also have a domain-driven file structure:

# Domain: marketing
# Domain: admin panel

See Guides > File Structure > Domain driven.

More information

Route String

Instead of Filesystem Routing, you can define a Route String.

// /pages/product/+route.js
// This file defines the route of /pages/product/+Page.js
// Route String
export default '/product/@id'

The parameter id is available at

More information at:

Route Function

You can use Route Functions to get full programmatic flexibility for advanced routing logic.

// /pages/product/edit/+route.js
// This file defines the route of /pages/product/edit/+Page.js
// We use a RegExp, but we could as well use a routing library.
import partRegex from 'part-regex'
const routeRegex = partRegex`/product/${/([0-9]+)/}/edit`
// Route Function
export function route(pageContext) {
  const match = pageContext.urlPathname.match(routeRegex)
  if (!match) return false
  const [, id] = match
  return { routeParams: { id } }

More information at:

Route Guards

You can use a guard() hook to protect pages from unauthorized/unexpected access.

// /pages/admin/+guard.js
import { render } from 'vike/abort'
// This guard() hook protects all pages /pages/admin/**/+Page.js
export async function guard(pageContext) {
  if (!pageContext.user.isAdmin) {
    throw render(401, "You aren't allowed to access this page.')

This guard() hook applies to all pages living at /pages/admin/**/*, see API > Config > Inheritance.

More information at:

React Router / Vue Router

Although we usually don't recommend it, you can use Vike with React Router and Vue Router:

See also