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Scaffold new Vike app


We recommend using Bati for creating new Vike apps.

Requirement: you'll need Node.js installed (or Deno/Bun). Note that Node.js includes the package manager npm (but you can also use any other package manager).

Apps scaffolded by Bati use vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid.

Without vike-{react,vue,solid}

You can also create a new Vike app that doesn't use vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid.

The following command scaffolds a Vike app with a fully custom React/Vue integration instead.

Custom integrations can be complex and we generally recommend using vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid instead, see Vike extension VS custom integration.

⚠️ We recommend using such advanced capability, which can be complex to use, only if you have a clear reason why simpler alternatives aren't an option for you.

With npm:

npm create vike@latest

With pnpm:

pnpm create vike

With Bun:

bun create vike

With Yarn:

yarn create vike


  • --skip-git: don't initialize a new Git repository

A prompt will let you choose between:

  • react: React + JavaScript
  • react-ts: React + TypeScript
  • vue: Vue + JavaScript
  • vue-ts: Vue + TypeScript

See also:

See also