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Vike injects scripts at three possible positions:

  • At the end of the HTML.
  • At the beginning of the HTML.
  • At the beginning of the HTML stream.

Depending on heuristics, Vike makes a sensible choice about where to inject scripts.

You can use the injectScriptsAt setting to override Vike's heuristics and control where Vike injects scripts.

Alternatively, for a more fine-grained control of where and what assets Vike injects, use injectFilter().

// +config.js
export default {
  // Inject scripts at the beginning of the HTML
  injectScriptsAt: 'HTML_BEGIN',
  // Inject scripts at the end of the HTML
  injectScriptsAt: 'HTML_END',
  // Inject scripts at the beginning of the HTML stream
  injectScriptsAt: 'STREAM',
  // Let Vike decide
  injectScriptsAt: null

Setting injectAssetsAt to null can be useful in the context of config inheritance.

See also