Vike extension VS custom integration

With Vike, you have the choice between:

  • Using Vike extensions, for a quick start.
  • Implementing your own custom integrations, for full control over how tools are integrated.

In general, we recommend always using Vike extensions, while falling back to custom integrations only if you have a clear reason.

Vike extensions are highly polished integrations. But they're also slightly opinionated and may not fit what you need.

For example:

  • Start using Vike with vike-react/vike-vue/vike-solid.
  • If you run into a blocker because of vike-{react,vue,solid}, then create an issue/discussion at the GitHub repository of vike-{react,vue,solid}.
  • If a maintainer of vike-{react,vue,solid} replies that resolving your blocker is out-of-scope, then start considering a custom integration.

You can also eject a Vike extension, for progressively moving from the ejected implementation of the Vike extension towards a custom integration. See Optional Control.

Large projects often need bespoke integrations, and opting out of Vike extensions can be a sensible choice. If that's your case, then you probably already have a very clear reason for wanting a custom integration.

See also